The Power of Encouragement

The Power of Encouragement

Last week, our oldest had a track meet.  He’s a freshman and runs mid-distance races most of the time. He is very independent and a hard worker, but I'm noticing a little extra encouragement never hurt anyone!

This specific meet, a family friend had come to see him run.  It cracked me up because I use to think of myself as an encouraging mom...but I was definitely not at her level!  Her encouragement makes me seem like I’m all meek and mild😆!  

When it came time for Micah to run his event, I was all ready!  We were sitting in the bleachers just down from the finish line when our friend stood up and said to me, “I’m about to go embarrass myself” as she laughed.  Now, knowing her as well as I do, all I could do was giggle and shake my head.  She went down to the very bottom of the bleachers and when Micah ran by, she leaned over the fence and yelled and screamed [at the top of her lungs!] and encouraged him in a way I’m not ever sure I have!!

It literally brings tears to my eyes remembering it right now.  You guys, he had this new determination in his eyes, he tightened up his form and ran harder than I had seen him run before.  He responded to that encouragement with his whole being…and at the finish line, he was bent over, red faced, trying to catch his breath because he had given his all.

When I sat back and thought about how much of an impact her encouragement had on my son, the more I realized how important it is that we remember; we are called to encourage our kids. The visible difference it made to Micah's race was crazy to me!  

Our kids need us to speak life into them.

Our kids can do so much more when they know someone has their back; when they have someone cheering them on and when they know they have someone in their corner.  Imagine if we did as Ephesians 4:29 says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs..." especially in our families?!

Whether you’re at a sporting event, at home with your child, or in the car talking to them; we are called to encourage.  We have opportunities all day long to speak life to our kids.  And just like encouragement impacted my son at the finish line that day, it will make a tremendous, visible and measurable difference in your child's life too!  

Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death…”

1 Thess. 5:11  Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

If you're like me and you need a little reminder, here's a little gift you can download for your wallpaper to remind you!🩵

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