Peace Out!

Peace Out!

Peace Out!


Let me start off by saying, I LOVE our kids.  I really, really do.  But, it’s been a long 4 years since the hubs and I went away, alone and spent time together…and who knew that we would be so READY for a getaway?! 

This past weekend we headed out of town…just the 2 of us, as husband and wife.  It took us months to plan, because let’s be honest…going out of town for 2 nights takes a tremendous amount of planning when you have 4 kids + animals.  There’s first [and most important] finding someone who is available to be with your kids…and not just to be with them, but someone to love them and enjoy them.  Then there are the logistics of getting everything covered, taking kids to practices, lessons, musicals, birthday parties and so much more!  I’m literally exhausted just thinking about it, right mommas?!  I was so ready to just say, “peace out” for the weekend!

Life can be crazy busy.

Life can also be full of hard things.

Life can distract us from what matters most, if we're not careful.

John and I have been married 23+ years [and dated for 6 years before that!].  It’s really a crazy thing to imagine…that we’ve been together that long.  Throughout our marriage, lots of things have changed.  We’ve both stepped into ministry positions, had 4 amazing kids, moved more times than our furniture could handle, walked my Momma into Heaven, and have made thousands of decisions that we pray have glorified God.  But the one decision I know for sure glorifies Him, is the decision to put him first in all things, including our marriage.

When we make time to allow ourselves to be alone, even for just a little bit, it allows our hearts and souls to reconnect.  It allows us to fall in love with each other all over again.  It allows us to rest and dream, together. It allows us to put him first in our marriage.

So, what is important to you?

What’s holding you back from making those things a priority?

If you are married and have kids, can I recommend taking some time to have your own “peace out”?!  Your kids will still know how much you love them and someday they will thank you for having a strong marriage.  Have some fun together, talk about God's plans for the future, SLEEP IN!!! I can promise you, when you take time out to invest in your marriage and put God first in it, it will be the gift that keeps on giving!

God has great plans for you, your marriage and your family.  When you put Him first, he takes care of the rest.  Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

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1 comment

I know just how you feel!!! Buddy and I will be married 49 years in September and have only had 2 vacations together in all those years. I am so ready to get away…no cooking, no cleaning, and no laundry. Now that he is retired we are hoping to go on mini trips to places we have wanted to see.

Pamela Wingard

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