This is the first week of our family vacation/rest time. [Can I get an Amen?!] We’ve spent time with our extended family, and I am so very thankful.
A few days ago, we walked into our Aunt & Uncle’s house…their house is pretty amazing and very, very clean. [Their kids and grandkids are all grown and out of the house, lol.] With four littler ones in our family, I always know we are bringing a lot of life into someone else’s home and probably a lot more dirt than normal.
Being here has reminded me how much I love this season of life I’m in. How much I love the little Shopkins all set up and ready for play. How much I love hearing the kids laughter from another place in the house. And how much I love hearing footsteps running all over. [Even if it is from an almost 10 year old boy chasing his sisters with a Nerf gun…]
Life can go so fast…even to the most intentional family or single person. I am slowly realizing the importance of just “being”. I’ve had times in my life when I’ve worked part time with our kiddos and times where I’ve strictly been a stay at home momma. Both have their hard times. Even stay at home mommas can get “lost” in the day to day cleaning, planning and kiddo chasing…and the day is gone.
This last season in my life has made me slow down. Intentionally. It’s made me plan things on the calendar every other day, instead of 3 things per day…to look at whole weeks and plan days that have nothing but “being” planned. Let me be the first to say, this has been so much more incredibly difficult than I ever would’ve thought. If you would’ve asked me this time last year if I was busy, I would’ve answered a quick “nope”, and I would’ve been dead wrong.
This vacation, this season of rest, I’m purposely sitting on the porch swing with no other agenda. I’m choosing to play Calico Critters when or even before I’m asked. Choosing to look these amazing kids in the eyes when they’re talking to me. And choosing to sit with them when they watch a movie, instead of using it as time to “get something done”.
I definitely can’t say I’m perfect at this slower life. But, I can say…it’s a goal for me. Something to work toward, something to remind me to stop and enjoy every single moment the Lord has gifted me with.
Choosing to live every day on purpose. And some of that purpose is to live a slower life, intentionally.
Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”
Post with Purpose: