Summer beach smiling face sun

It’s Summer, Whatcha Gonna Do With It?

Yay for summer!! Days full of sleeping in, when being in the pool counts as a bath, and staying up late to catch lightning bugs is welcomed! It’s such a great time to get more time with our kids…and for them, a little less time out in the world. More time at home, whether you’re at home with them or you’re headed out on a family vacation. But, what are we going to do with all this time?

If you’re anything like me, you feel the need to try and “schedule” things…which is good but can also be tough. I like to make sure we make it to the library at least once every 2 weeks, have craft materials on hand to do if it starts to rain, and of course some much needed play dates…

But more importantly, I like to take the summer to teach my kiddos about one certain topic from the Bible. Sometimes it takes the whole summer to get through that one, and this summer we’ve chosen to teach them about worship. What is it? Why do we worship? Is it only when we’re singing songs? Can you hear God’s voice during worship? Why do we raise our hands? So, it’s going to take a bit of getting scriptures together and research on talking with kiddos about it…then finding some new songs to use too…that will be my favorite part!

Deuteronomy 6 is one of my “go to” verses to get inspiration for teaching our kids. To remind me how very important it is not only to live Jesus every day, but to teach His ways to them too.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Around these parts, summer will be full of bare feet, cannon balls, french braids, forts, fishing rods, hot dogs, watermelon and tons of laughter. [I’m on purpose leaving out the fun refereeing of disagreements that mom & dad get to do during the summer months too…because that does happen in all of our families too!]

Maybe this can be a new tradition for you! Pray and ask the Lord, “What 1 thing do You want to talk with Your kids about this summer?” And then find some scriptures to use to teach and talk about that topic with them. Bring it up at the dinner table, while you’re taking a hike, or maybe while you’re saying your good nights…just like Deuteronomy says. Don’t be afraid to do it…be excited!!! The Lord will reward your efforts and the seeds you will have planted by the end of the summer, they will be everlasting ones…ones that will reap benefits for years to come!!

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